Home Vert Tommy Guerrero “Ban This”

Tommy Guerrero “Ban This”

Tommy Guerrero “Ban This”

Thrasher Magazine looked deep in the archives to find Tommy Guerrero’s “Ban This” part. This Powell Peralta video was released in 1989 and features a young Guerrero, who flaunted a “End Racism” imprint on his cursor board, which was already known for his affiliation with the Bones Brigade.

This video is split into two segments; a vert halfpipe session and then a street session through the streets of San Francisco. It’s only right that the video follows Tommy Guerrero throw San Francisco as he is a local.

Guerrero throws down on the halfpipe from 0:50 to 1:15. Watch to see him do a blunt stall, smiths, and much more.

“Ban This” was part was released by Powell Peralta, the American skateboarding company. The video included the likes of Tony Hawk, Bucky Lasek, and Lance Mountain.

If you haven’t seen “Ban This,” or even simply want to rewatch it, head over to the Powell-Peralta website where it is available for download. “Ban This” is a perfectly preserved piece of skateboarding history, you need to watch it.


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